Damn that Connie Chung!


Tuesday, April 04, 2006


The best time of the year is here people! Get out your bats and gloves, put on your caps and get ready to go out to the ball park!!Cubbies started out wonderfully of course. 16-7... not a bad win if you ask me! Unfortunately the Cardinals won too. Its really kinda depressing. Since I've moved down here, my baseball life has been reduced to rooting against the home team. No cable means no cubbies..... I sit on the computer and watch gameday.... keeps me updated, but no where near as good as seeing my boys out there on the field. Ive got tickets to go this saturday to the busch stadium open house. That should be exciting. Im considering wearing my cubs hat.... we'll see. Brandon is back in the states. We really are a strange couple of people. He's gone for almost a year, but yet the minute we see each other, its like nothings changed. Wierd. He leaves in a few days. I truly hope that we stay friends for a really long time. Oh, I had my first St.Louis date last week. His name is Brian..... UBER hot by the way. Completely out of my league. Tall, lean (skinny, but great muscles), dark hair, blue eyes, emo glasses, tatoos (of course!) and a lip ring (down the middle). We've been out 3 times. I dunno if we'll ever go out again (with the way outta my league thing) but at least my first date in STL was a good one. Well, I gotta run, gotta head to work here shortly, and then brandon and spence and dave and andy might be coming down here to hang out for awhile. Should be a good nite!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Another day in the STL

Each day that goes by I feel more and more like I actually live here. I got a job working at Tanner B's. Its a restaruant/bar in downtown. I like it a lot so far. Its not a steady day job, but hopefully it will give me enough money to pay rent and save up for this school I wanna go to. Its a really good broadcasting program. Its a 40 week program that does voice training and even has a specific class for sports broadcasters. Only thing is its $7,000. So looks like school loan here I come! I can't believe its already March. Time is going by soooo fast lately. Baseball is coming! Ive been watching the WBC and its getting soooo excited for the ball season. Seeing my cubbies on the field is the best thing ever. Other than the new job, no real exciting news to report. Im really loving it here. Its strange, but I just feel like it fits me. I enjoy the fact that people are everywhere. I enjoy the beautiful downtown area. I LOVE soulard (my neighborhood). I like the fact that people drive ungodly fast on the highways. I even love view of busch stadium which is only a few blocks away from my house. Oh! Here's some new news. Brandon is coming here! He's gonna come to the cubs/cards game with me on april 21st I think. I cant believe he's gonna be back here. Its been almost a year since we last saw each other. So, that should be an interesting couple of days! I do still miss him. He was my best friend for 4 years... and we still talk almost everyday, but its gonna be wierd to see him again. Hmmm, what else? One of my favorite bands is having a reunion show on April 22nd. KFR will be back together for one night only. I keep in touch with one of the lead singers quite frequently and he told me a week ago or so. I cant wait!!! Anyway, I really cant see any of you caring about a word I just said, so Im gonna end it here. Hopefully something exciting will happen soon and I'll be the talk of the blog world! Have a wonderful friday and a crazy saturday!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

220 arrests, 1 death

Those are the official statistics of Mardi Gras. The boy that died collapsed at 430am. No known cause of death. 170 of the arrests were underage drinkers, 20 were for vulgar public displays, and the rest were small and minor like public urination. Damn was it fun. I dont think Ive ever seen that many drunk people in my life. We had a ton of people in and out of our apartment all day. We started off the day at 8am by walking over to the market (we live right across the street) and getting our breakfast....cherry turnover, yummy! From then we all got dressed up in masks and wigs and headed down to the parade at 11am. Those bitches are crazy for the beads! I got up to the 3rd row of people and ended up getting the crap beat outta me for those damn beads! I did get to see more boobs than I have in my whole life though. Nice ones too! Lets see, I then came back to the apartment which was filled with random people. Started drinking my schlafly and downed about 2 hurricanes (both with extra 100proof shots), yummy! 3pm brought clementines annual high heel drag race. A bunch of boys running down the street in heels. HI-LAR-IOUS!!!! I got some pretty good pics of one guy biffing it hardcore into the street. Went back to the apt. and a huge wrestling match began... I beat up my homo roommate. Then the crew from springfield showed up and craziness continued. God it was a good time. Our streets were a freakin mess the next day. It cost $15,000 to clean it all up.... All in all a good time. I flashed, got flashed, and got drunk!! Can't wait till next year!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Yup, Im still alive...barely

Hey one and all. Its been quite awhile I guess. Well, lets go through all the changes that have been going down since we last spoke. I no longer work at the brewhaus. I love those guys immesely and miss them horribly! My birthday went off with out a hitch. I of course got incredibly drunk and dont remember the last two bars of the evening, but I do remember having fun and doing my required pabstism to the song stylings of Madonna. Christmas was awesome. I got to spend some good family time with the parents and bro and niece (who is the cutest thing youve ever seen). New Years was awesome too. I ended up with the night off and we all rang in the new year at the Brewhaus topped off with a champagne toast (which our table got 2 free bottles of since we are by far the coolest kids in that bar). So now for the biggest change. After the new year I moved myself out of Springfield Illinois. I am now living the semi-big city St.Louis MO. I love it. Im living with my homo Chris in Soulard. Im working for the Human Rights Campaign. Its so much fun. I miss my crew a lot though. But I am only an hour away and they are all coming down here for mardi gras... 2nd largest in the nation baby! Some papers are already expecting it to be the 1st largest this year since that bitch katrina came to New Orleans. It should definately be a good time! My friends Andy and Laura are actually getting married down here this new years at the city museum. That Im sure will be the new years to end all new years. I mean seriously, booze, dancing, and a giant 3 story loft adult playland all to ourselves. I challenge anyone to come up with a better party than that! Oh, I almost forgot.. I am currently trying to join the St.Louis Arch Rival Rollergirls. Its the local roller derby down here. Ive even already got a name, "Tragedy Ann". Cute huh? Well I guess I should probably head out of here. Got some shopping to do for Valentines day... Love you all and hope to see you down here soon!!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Put your life in check....

Remind me to NEVER bitch about trivial problems ever again. I got a huge reality check last night. I can honestly say that all the crappy things that have happened to me the past few years are nothing. All the little stupid problems you all are having are nothing. So you got drunk, so you got a bad grade, so you want to lose weight, so my car keeps breaking down..... I DONT CARE. You have no clue what its like to be in a serious problem, neither do I. I just figured this out last night so I thought Id let you all know that you should definately put your life in check........Grow up and deal with it.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Its my babies berfday!!!

Happy birthday Brandon!! I wish you were here to celebrate it!! I miss you somethin fierce!!!
Goin to the cubs vs. cards game tomorrow!! Ive got an alcoholic beverage wagered on the game so my cubbies better win for me. Should be insane. A bunch of guys (regulars) from the bar are goin and quite a few of my friends are goin... its gonna be an awesome time. For all of you who arent going, HAHA!! Love you all!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

23 hits and a lost championship

What a good and bad day yesterday day. It started off AWESOME. The cubbies are back on the air! I was watching it at work and boy was it a great game. 23 hits!! Rami had a 2 run home run... Derek had a 3 run home run.... all in all it came to the total of 16 runs!!! Yee Haa! What a freaking offense we have this year. Kudos to Burnitz for stepping up and kicking some ass by the way! Very good first impression. And of course, to my baby boy Zambo, you rock my world! Hello All-star game repeat I tell you! Me and my girls are going to see the Cubs vs. Cards game on the 20th... Just me and Lindz and Lindz K. and K-tina. I love going to Busch stadium in Cubbies stuff. Especially when its just us girls. We get so much shit. Its hilarious. Anyhoo, the downside to my day yesterday was of course the NCAAB championship game. Ouch.. What a great game though. That comeback was amazing. I get really really nervous during big games like that. Brandon has seen it 1st hand when we went to see the Cubs vs. the Yankees game where Wood pitched against Clemens... Roger was going for his 300th win and Kerry was goin for his 50th. The game was so close at the end I had to hide behind Brandon with my face stuck in his shirt and he had to tell me what was going on cuz I absolutely couldnt watch. I got like that last night. I was running around the bar trying to find a place where I couldnt see the TV. I was screaming and jumping around like a little girl. It was a lot of fun. But alas, we lost. Good season, and we all still got to witness history. Illini just getting to the big game and Roy actually winning his first big game. So pretty neat. Woulda been better if they won of course.
So Ive bartended twice at the Brewhaus now. Its really fun being back there. Its a totally different world from waitressing. One, its a lot more physical work..but you dont have to put up with as much of the mental shit as waitressing. Guys cant actually touch you while youre behind a big wood bar. Im not gonna keep doing it though. It too many hours for me. Im just concentrating on school and saving money for stuff I wanna do (cubs games). Anyway, thats about all thats going on. Hope youre all healthy and ready for baseball. Hey hey holy mackerel, no doubt about it, the Cubs are on their way! Boys(brandon), Baseball, Basketball, and booze..... That would be my entire life right now and it makes me smile!! I love all my B's!!!!